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Publicity Strategy Teleseminars! Welcome authors. Annie gets calls every day to present at hundreds of events over the year. Everyone is clamoring for Annie’s publicity strategy. Why? It works so…

It’s done. Finally. The book you have always dreamed of writing is on the way to the printers. Soon, it will be the publication date. Your book will finally be…

Are some authors afraid of book publicity? Who would have thought this. That an author would write a book and quickly pull back on success.

Wow, what’s that? What is a pop-up publicist? It’s someone who was not a publicist yesterday but is today. I am serious. Listen to this story. Let’s call her Patti….

Lots of authors dream of the day when they can get booked on TV. They point out that they see others just like them on the air. Very good. That means…

He called me for book publicity and here’s what happened. Ok, so he tells me he wrote a book. Wonderful. What is the book about? My days in the slammer.

Book marketing services firm Annie Jennings PR works with authors and experts booking publicity. Annie Jennings PR provides authors with effective book marketing services involves strategies that both reach your market while…