Appearing On TV Shows Helps Creates Thought Leader Status
From a business or career point of view, being known in your industry as an influencer and thought leader leads to major opportunities. You have demonstrated your knowledge and wisdom personally with your viewers, some of whom are in a position to hire you.
Getting Booked On TV Is Credibility Builder
Getting booked on these shows is a big deal. You don’t just walk on the set and sit down. Annie Jennings PR just makes it look easy. Guests are carefully selected according to their credentials, point of view and media history. You must qualify for the segment and be able to prove it. Our company knows how to jump you through lot of hoops in the approval process to get you on the show edging out others who wanted to get on as well. Congrats!
Being On TV Shows Helps Build Your Platform
Potential clients or those in a position to hire you as a consultant may not know you personally but they know FOX NEWS, they know CNN, they know other major media outlets such Kiplinger’s, Wall Street Journal and and hey, your clients and prospective client may feel that if you are good enough for Associated Press to quote in their lead story, well you are good enough for them! Appearing on the TV media. both national shows and your local city shows helps close your deals and secure new money making opportunities. You create a tremendous advantage.
TV Show Bookings Can Lead to Mega Opportunities
Many of our clients have landed additional or expanded media opportunities such as becoming a regular contributor to a major internet news site, that can be leveraged into more opportunities or have become a regular expert on a TV show in their market or a regular guest on a major radio show including the big nationally syndicated radio shows.