Book marketing services firm Annie Jennings PR works with authors and experts booking publicity.
Annie Jennings PR provides authors with effective book marketing services involves strategies that both reach your market while building your brand. With millions of print on demand books all competing for a sale, reaching out and touching your reader becomes a core foundation to your successful book marketing campaign. At our firm, we like to use a combination of radio talk show interviews, online and print media and even appearing on your local and other city morning TV shows. Don’t worry, we include media training in all of our campaign at no extra charge so you will grow into a skilled, confident and superb media guest.
Book Marketing Services & Radio Publicity Campaigns By Annie Jennings PR
- Annie Jennings PR only books radio phoners interviews on the high impact, high listenership radios shows in the big cities providing excellent national exposure for your book marketing campaign.
- They book on the Nationally Syndicated shows that allow you sweep the national with one interview
- All Annie Jennings PR radio publicity campaigns include unlimited media training – you’ll be an amazing guest before you know it! You’ll know your topic extensively along with media etiquette.
- Annie Jennings and her experienced radio show publicity booking & book promotion team help you find where your message (of your book or your area of expertise) meets both the market and media demand (also known as “your sweet spot”).
- Annie Jennings PR’s book marketing services gets you booked as a headliner guest as part of your book marketing strategy, meaning you are the one commenting on the important issues making headlines.
- One more thing? Your radio show publicity & book marketing campaign will not include internet shows, college radio, shows in the middle of the night, shows in the middle of nowhere or shows on the outskirts of the major cities. You get only the big shows that broadcast to the heart of the market. Major media is powerful for your national exposure as a media guest and excellent for your branding
Radio publicity campaign firm, Annie Jennings PR, has the connections you need to get booked on the hard to access radio talk shows that everyone wants. Annie’s media booking team has extensive contacts within the industry and a rich history of booking the major shows in the major cities.
Why Should You Get Your Book Marketing Services & Radio Publicity With Annie?
Many authors say that one of their favorite things about the famous Annie Jennings PR publicity team is that they know why you are good, sometimes before you do. They work fast building up your media reputation, influence and clout. Before you know it, you will be very proud of your accomplishments.
It gets better. Annie’s big city radio talk show campaign is guaranteed. That’s right. You get what you sign up for or she is not keeping your money. She’s good. She knows it. And she guarantees it, all without a retainer fee!
Annie does not charge a monthly retainer like many of the traditional PR firms. She created the outstanding pay for play publicity model where her expert publicity team creates the perfect book marketing plan for you and your career goals. The book marketing services team books the target media for you and you only pay for the media opportunities they secure for you.
Every single penny that you spend on getting radio publicity placements and book promotion is invested in your growth and development as a significant expert in your field. This is how you rise to the top on your industry.
Get your book marketing services from an established professional
If you would like land major publicity without the high cost of monthly retainers (where you may not even get anything you even want anyway), you may wish to speak with Annie. She understands how to help you a create a competitive advantage for your book promotion and radio publicity objectives. You are going to LOVE HER!