Book promotion strategy using media outreach.
The book promotion strategy for your book can make the difference between the author having a fabulous and enriching experience or the alternative, feeling like your tremendous effort of writing the book, along with the expense, was all for nothing. How can you make sure this does not happen to you?
BOOK PROMOTION Strategy Idea #1:
A marketing strategy for maximum exposure includes securing guest interviews on radio talk shows and TV shows in your local market, syndicated shows and then, after you build a significant media bio, the national TV shows. Also getting your name, book name and expertise mentioned in magazines and newspaper articles as well on article placement on online websites. Each of these media outlets are powerful venues for book promotion.
BOOK PROMOTION Strategy Idea #2:
Getting booked as the guest on radio interviews is an important part of your overall author PR strategy. Radio talk show interviews in cities across the country allows you to access millions of people easily via telephone. Getting booked on guest interviews in the Top 35 or Top 50 markets and nationally syndicated shows are very effective for marketing outreach and can bring you tremendous results.
BOOK PROMOTION Strategy Idea #3:
The major benefit of getting booked on radio talk shows for book promotion is that the interview is generally about your topic and you have more control over the content of the interview than you do for TV, online or print media. Radio interviews generally allow you to mention your book as well as the purchasing information in the interview. Radio allows for more of a conversation between the guest and the host that serves the listening audience nicely.
BOOK PROMOTION Strategy Idea #4:
Here is another good marketing idea for you – getting booked as the guest on a TV show, in your city or in cities across the country, is excellent for building up your brand as well as your name and book title recognition. Appearing on local and regional TV shows give you huge benefits to your ability to market yourself to the most prestigious national shows and is vital to any successful PR campaign.
BOOK PROMOTION Strategy Idea #5:
Appearing as the quoted expert in magazine and newspaper articles as a part of book promotion offer you the ability to tie your book into an article. Usually the article will include your name as well as the name of your book and if you are lucky, your website.
BOOK PROMOTION Strategy Idea #6:
An excellent benefit to appearing in print media is that TV appearances can follow the print article. Usually the TV shows like to contact the experts quoted in the original article.
BOOK PROMOTION Strategy Idea #7:
Article placements on major news sites and in online media should be included in your overall book promotion strategy. Major news sites offer massive exposure for one’s marketing campaign. Online media sites can link to your site as well thereby driving traffic to your site plus passing through page rank to your site. The higher the page rank of the site linking to you, the better for your online authority.
Annie Jennings of the National Publicity firm, Annie Jennings PR is a national publicist specializing in promoting book authors and experts to the media. Annie’s vision and insight has revolutionized the publicity industry as many of the techniques, tools and strategies in widespread use throughout the publicity industry today have been developed by Annie Jennings PR.
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