Are some authors afraid of book publicity?
Who would have thought this.
That an author would write a book and quickly pull back on success.
Here is a true book publicity story for you that makes the point.
So, a very nice client signs up with us with lots of potential. We noticed it right away. He told us what media he wanted to build up his business advantage.
Very good, a client who knows how media can work to his advantage.
I expected success.
And we got it. In fact, we booked him on 3 major media outlets in just a couple of days.
Good right? Wrong!
We call him with the exciting news expecting him to be thrilled . . .
Imagine, his dreams basically being created overnight for him. Wow!
And then he says:
“What? You got me everything I asked for?”
Yes, of course. What did you think would happen when you signed up with us?
“I never thought you would be successful. I’ve worked with another book publicity firm now for 10 years and they never got me a thing”.
Would you call that fear of success?
Also, here is another area where we are seeing authors pull back from really enjoying all the wonderful experience writing book can bring to them.
The hire fake PR. They us fake book publicity strategy.
Designed to look like a lot is being done for them but at they end of the day they don’t have much of an experience. They might have “impressions” but nothing much happened for them.
And on some level, this might seem appealing – because the threat of success is gone.
But it wasn’t their fault.
Now on the other side of the coin, what about those who crave success, would never turn down a media opportunity but wind up investing in the wrong book publicity strategy.
In all their excitement they signed up for the glitz and glamour of a fancy proposal listing hundreds of media outlets with the word “T R Y” throughout the contract. Nothing is guarantee. They will try.
That’s called accidental failure.
With Annie Jennings PR, you get a performance guarantee with her publicity campaigns.
Your radio talk show campaign comes with unlimited media training, a guarantee of bookings on the big shows and professional segment development from publicists with impressive experience.
You an also sign up for Annie’s pay for performance publicity program for TV guest appearances, online media and traditional media. Just let Annie know of your interest in clicking on the get started now box.