
Radio Campaign

Radio Campaign For Book Marketing

Radio Campaign For Powerful Book Marketing

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Your radio campaign offer you tremendous book promotion opportunities.

The famous Annie Jennings PR radio campaign gets you booked on the high impact, high listenership radio talk shows that broadcast to the heart of the market. Plus, Annie’s booking team only books shows in the biggest cities in the USA as well as the regional and nationally syndicated radio shows too!

Getting booked on radio shows is a great way to get book promotion for yourself and your message. Appearing as the guest on radio shows is the cornerstone to a powerful publicity strategy.

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Get Author Radio Talk Show Publicity Campaign

America’s #1 most powerful & influential radio talk show publicity campaign that gets you booked on major radio shows in the top markets in the USA.

Get booked on the radio talk shows in the highest impact markets. Radio is perfect for author publicity and author book marketing.

Appearing on the radio is easy to do, as the shows are done via the telephone. Reaching thousands of real live listeners with each radio show booking is within your reach!

Our talented and professional media training division makes you are prepared for your radio shows and understand how be a great guest.

Arbitron is the radio industry’s leading authority on ranking radio shows and Arbitron shows that the typical radio interviews that make up our famous #1 Radio Campaign reach high impact real live listeners.

Get booked only on top high powered radio shows, high impact radio shows and high listenership radio shows in major markets.



Appearing On TV Shows Helps Creates Thought Leader Status

From a business or career point of view, being known in your industry as an influencer and thought leader leads to major opportunities. You have demonstrated your knowledge and wisdom personally with your viewers, some of whom are in a position to hire you.

Getting Booked On TV Is Credibility Builder

Getting booked on these shows is a big deal. You don’t just walk on the set and sit down. Annie Jennings PR just makes it look easy. Guests are carefully selected according to their credentials, point of view and media history. You must qualify for the segment and be able to prove it. Our company knows how to jump you through lot of hoops in the approval process to get you on the show edging out others who wanted to get on as well. Congrats!

Being On TV Shows Helps Build Your Platform

Potential clients or those in a position to hire you as a consultant may not know you personally but they know FOX NEWS, they know CNN, they know other major media outlets such Kiplinger’s, Wall Street Journal and and hey, your clients and prospective client may feel that if you are good enough for Associated Press to quote in their lead story, well you are good enough for them! Appearing on the TV media. both national shows and your local city shows helps close your deals and secure new money making opportunities. You create a tremendous advantage.

TV Show Bookings Can Lead to Mega Opportunities

Many of our clients have landed additional or expanded media opportunities such as becoming a regular contributor to a major internet news site, that can be leveraged into more opportunities or have become a regular expert on a TV show in their market or a regular guest on a major radio show including the big nationally syndicated radio shows.




Why Print Publicity?

Longest Standing Relationship with Marketplace

Over the years many well known print and online media outlets have built up tremendous power and influence. For authors and experts, having their name appear in one of the top newspapers or highly circulated magazines associates them with strong, powerful and well branded media names that have an impact and mega reputation in our society and are influential in your new client attraction strategy.

Print media of this nature supports your credibility, adds power to your media bio and platform and earns you the position as a national expert and thought leader in your field (stuff money cannot buy). The thinking is, that if a major respected media outlet has chosen you to offer insight and expert commentary then the inferred message is that you are tops in your field.



Showcase Websites

Annie Jennings PR creates websites complete with everything the media would like to see on the site along with a “quick buy” conversion strategy to optimize book sales. Sites can include broadcast quality HD book trailers, videos and author commercials.

Hollywood Sizzle Style Videos

Book Trailers, Commercials, Videos, Author Media Reels, Speaker Demo Reels : HD quality videos for the ultimate competitive edge.

Ask about specialty videos designed especially for you – teasers to promote a blog post, a welcome video for visitors to your website, HD broadcast quality book trailers or a special video to promote your next big event.

Our talented team creates outstanding customized videos.




Many people think that if you write a book, you just won the lottery. What they don’t realize is that the odds of winning the lottery are about the same as making it as a published author. After more than 300 rejections, I believed so strongly in my first book that I invested my own money and published “The Bliss List.” Then, I did the smartest thing I’ve ever done—hired Annie Jennings PR! The results were astounding, establishing me as a Career Expert with interviews on National TV (FOX News), Radio and Print (The L.A. Times,, Fortune, The platform Annie’s team of professionals developed for me has opened new doors, leading to hundreds of thousands of dollars in new business. With an established platform, “The Bliss List” was purchased by a major publisher and instead of one occupation, I currently have four dream jobs. I’d say the return on investment was spectacular.

J.P. Hansen, Award-winning, bestselling author of “The Bliss List” and “Pink Slips and Glass Slippers,” Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker, and CEO of Hansen Executive Search, Inc.

Working with Annie Jennings PR literally changed the course of my career. After not having much success on my own, I am now the GO TO expert for CNN, FOX News, FOX Business, CNBC and many other networks.

Dani Babb, PhD

That’s it – I’m addicted! Any time I need a national publicity fix, you’re my contact. Annie Jennings PR leaves you wanting more. THANKS for the effort, the passion, and of course – the results!

Vince Crew, Author Of Everyday Ethics

Media must connect with knowledge at a lightening pace in order to be relevant. Annie Jennings PR is able to quickly match the needs of the media with the right expert at the right moment and produce explosive results. Yesterday afternoon, she had an AP journalist who needed a specific expertise. Within 20 minutes, I was on the phone with the journalist. By that evening, there was an article in the International Herald Tribune. By the following day, the article appeared in FORBES, USA Today, News Day, Baltimore Sun, Business Week, Chicago Tribune, Public Radio, Yahoo News, MSNBC NEWS! AJPR delivers – in a huge way!

Steve Curnutte, Expert

What a pleasure it is to work with you and the Annie Jennings PR firm. Every connection with radio, television or journalists is both specific and effective. Their firm takes all of the time and worry out of doing an interview and your choices of media hosts are excellent. As an ophthalmologist I could never have made these quality connections and had the opportunity to share my expertise with a larger audience.

Rob Abel Jr, M.D., ophthalmologist, author and educator

In 5 minutes, Annie outlined a spot-on PR campaign for my book with an out-of-the-box idea I would never have thought of in a million years — and keep in mind that I am the author of Public Relations for Dummies!

Bob Bly, Author of 70+ Books including The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Direct Marketing

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Real Publicity Client Stories Of Success





Now THIS Is How Annie Jennings PR Works For Your Career & Business Growth

Ken Mahoney hired Annie Jennings PR to do what no other PR firm had been able to do – get him booked on big NATIONAL TV. Annie did it FAST and now he’s landed a regular spot on a HUGE Financial TV Show. Ken says “work with Annie” if you really want the action.
